The main objective when creating a showreel is to assemble everything and selecting the perfect soundtrack. This is so every cut and the contents of each shot can be timed and themed perfectly to the music track, as well as organically flow from one shot to the next.
The key goal of a showreel is that it is watchable and enjoyable, as well as conveying emotion such as excitement, passion and drive. The viewer or prospective client will then subconsciously associate these emotions with the company, and the likelihood of said client hiring the company increases.

Blackball Media had an exceptionally large video base on which to draw from. I organised 116 videos into three main categories (Corporate, Launch Support and Editorial), as well as handling all backup and disk checking necessities.
In order to keep the showreel watchable, I put the slightly less-energetic shots towards the beginning and saved the most exciting shots for last.
I also presented the videos on a client-by-client basis, showing the logos of each client respectively before their videos, in the hopes that Blackball could use the brand recognition derived from these logos to promote its own work.
Lastly, I went with a fast-paced cut, enabling viewers to understand the essence of each shot without leading to tedium.

Music selection was very important. An up-beat track is needed, though not too intense. It is vital that this track have less intense sections mixed with build-ups and more intense sections, and for it to have some kind of flourish at the finish. This increases the variation of shots one can use in addition to the video coming to a crescendo at the end.
Finally, the showreel’s motion graphics would need to be unique and captivating. Blackball Media specialised in vehicle-related work, so I animated their eight ball logo to spin around, imitating a car’s wheel at speed. The other titles where also motion-blurred to look fast paced, akin to cars speeding by.
I utilised the eight ball again at the end, creating a complete rewind of the showreel within the eight ball itself, symbolising that everything the viewer saw was contained within the company.