These videos started as a simple-as-possible straight-to-camera productions with basic cutaways to help exemplify the points being made.
I avoided making the series too dynamic or effects-heavy, as that would have undermined the “no-nonsense” directive.

As the series evolved, the animations became more sophisticated to illustrate some of the more abstract or technical points.
Towards the end of my time on the series these animations had become a regular request, often integrated with the on-screen personality through split-screen effects.

A sister series, explaining broadband and internet connectivity, was also commissioned.
For this, I used basic symbol intended to be universally understood (I.e. a house, a telegraph pole, a telephone) coupled with simple, clean, two-dimensional animation in order to illustrate what was being said as plainly as possible.

I also used colours to represent different variations of the same thing; for example, the difference between Virgin Broadband and BT Openreach was shown with the same symbol ( they are both fibre optic), but different colours.